SCG Legal June 2024 Newsletter

June 28, 2024

I trust this newsletter finds you very well.  

Last month SCG hosted its *largest* Midyear Meeting to date: 130 participants representing 54 law firms from 34 different countries…including a third of the U.S. state members. Just as exciting is the fact that 30% of the attorneys attending were experiencing their very first in-person network meeting. 

Attendance at SCG’s in-person events is a tangible expression of our network’s influence, impact, and value. I am thrilled we continue to grow these opportunities not only in the number of firms attending, but also in the number of attorneys attending from each member firm. As understanding and utilization of SCG’s professional development, business development, cross/up-selling, and referral benefits extends from you to your firm colleagues and clients, the strength and effectiveness of our connected global community expands as well.  

Speaking of our global community expanding… 

Please join me in welcoming two new firms to our network! And please reach out to each Voting Representative (VR) to schedule a meeting to see how you can collaborate on opportunities. 

REGISTER TODAY: 2024 Annual Meeting | Los Angeles, CA (US) 

Our 2024 Annual Meeting will offer targeted content and dynamic networking opportunities focused on helping attorneys as well as firms navigate near- and long-term circumstances that impact the legal industry.

In addition to the main stage sessions and keynote speakers, we are planning breakouts on Cross-Border M&A, IP, Entertainment Law, Insurance, Alternative Energy, Cybersecurity, Labor and Employment, and the U.S. Political Landscape

We are still looking for speakers. Please forward this to members of your firm who are interested in promoting their practice(s) to our members. At this meeting, we will have representatives from +70 firms from + 50 countries and most U.S. states. Please email me ( directly with your speaker suggestions.

Pre-Meeting Events
We will be hosting two practice group meetups and a Women in Law workshop prior to the official start of the Meeting. Please encourage members of your firm to attend.

  • Wednesday, September 18 | 2:00 – 5:00 PM Meeting + 6:30 PM Dinner > Government Relations Practice Group
    All Government Relations attorneys and professionals are welcome to attend. 
  • Thursday, September 19 | 9:00 – 11:30 AM > Women in Law Breakfast & Workshop: Personal Branding  
    This workshop is complimentary for all female SCG member attorneys attending the Annual Meeting as well as all female MSK attorneys. Breakfast is included. 
  • Thursday, September 19 | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM > Data Protection, Privacy & Cybersecurity Practice Group Lunch Meeting 
    All Privacy and Cybersecurity attorneys are welcome to attend. 

Gala Dinner
Friday, September 20 > A Glamorous Night on the Red Carpet at the famous Sony Studio!
Prior to dinner, Sony Studio Tours will be available.

Host Hotel: The Beverly Hilton
Please reserve your room as soon as possible! SCG Legal has secured a room block September 17 – 22, 2024 for the special rate of $430 USD/night. Booking deadline: August 26, 2024. Click HERE for SCG’s dedicated reservation link. 

CLICK HERE FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING PORTAL, INCLUDING REGISTRATION PAGE. Please encourage your partners to participate…as attendees and/or speakers.


Please let me know as soon as possible if members of your firm will be attending the annual IBA meeting in Mexico. Sanchez Devanny, our Mexican member firm, will be hosting a fantastic reception for their clients and SCG members at the Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City. We want to make sure that members of your firm who will be attending the IBA are invited.

What Does a Highly Collaborative Law Firm Look Like?
July 22 @ 11:00-11:45 AM (EST)
Many studies show businesses with collaborative cultures enjoy a higher level of profitability, have better talent retention, and deliver superior service to their clients. This webinar is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical tools that can help your firm achieve greater success through enhanced collaboration.

Key Takeaways 

  • Assessing Collaboration: Learn how to evaluate your law firm’s effectiveness in collaborating, both internally and externally. 
  • Building a Collaborative Culture: Discover strategies to enhance collaboration, starting with your own team.
  • Implementing Best Practices: Explore best practices and innovative approaches to foster a collaborative culture firmwide and within your networks, with a focus on collaborative business development strategies.

Click HERE to for more details and to register. And feel free to circulate this link to your colleagues so they can register if interested/available.

Recent Webinar > Building Your Personal Brand. Attendees learned how to define, refine, and re-invent their personal brand; communicate their personal brand; explore strategies for aligning existing network with their personal brand; and keep their personal brand at the forefront of a career management strategy. If you were unable to attend, please clickHERE for the recording and click HERE for the presentation. Feel free to share these resources + the Cultivating Your Zone of Genius worksheet with your firm colleagues.

Have an idea for a future professional development webinar topic or speaker? Please contact Membership Coordinator Erin Kane ( 


The purpose of these affinity initiatives is to connect lawyers across the globe so you can share information related to your practices and to discuss potential collaborations on client, business development, and thought leadership opportunities (e.g., joint podcast, panel participation, article co-authorship, etc.). 

  • Established: International Arbitration, Bankruptcy & Insolvency, Cannabis, Cyber/GDPR – Technology & Digital Economy, Employment, Government Procurement, and Government Relations 
  • Launched/ing in 2024: Environment/Energy (Europe); Life Sciences; Immigration; Infrastructure; Intellectual Property (Patent Prosecution/Litigation); Mergers & Acquisitions (Europe & Asia); Solar Energy, Tax (Asia); Technology & Digital Economy; Trusts and Estates; and White Collar 

Participation is coordinated through your firm’s Voting Representative (VR). Please reach out to your VR if you are interested in any of the groups mentioned above or to CEO Alina Gorokhovsky (agorokhovsky@scglegal.comif you have an idea for a new one. 


To support a greater understanding of business and legal considerations in jurisdictions around the world, SCG produces regional guides as well as offering the opportunity for individual firms to promote their expertise. 

Interested in creating a guide for your location? Please contact Director, Business Development and Strategic Initiatives Michele Bisceglie ( 

SCG has partnered with LawVision, an industry leader in creating competitive advantages for law firms, on a curated opportunity for member firms to strategically leverage artificial intelligence (AI) into a competitive advantage for how legal services are provided and consumed. The program focuses on four key areas: Industry Insights and Lessons Learned; Ethics and Governance; Law Firm Operations and Design; and Risk Sharing and Collaboration. Participation is coordinated through your firm’s Voting Representative (VR). Please reach out to your VR if you are interested in participating.

  • Will you or someone else from your firm be at ILTACON 2024 in Nashville August 11 – 15? SCG Legal has partnered with International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) to attend and gather as much intel and as many ideas as possible to support member firm questions and initiatives. Please let SCG’s Director, Business Development and Strategic Initiatives Michele Bisceglie ( know if you will be there and she will help coordinate a SCG meet-up opportunity.

At no extra cost and inclusive of full production support, SCG supports member firms with pod/webcast opportunities through its Global Spin platform. Please click HERE for previous Global Spin episodes.

In case you missed it…
**NEW** SCG Legal Women in Law and Leadership Series: Journey to Success
Lisa Borsook of member firm WeirFoulds (Canada: Ontario) and Susan Wissink of member firm Fennemore (US: Arizona) share the opportunities and challenges that shaped their career journey between the decision to become a lawyer and today’s well-earned success.

Have an idea for a topic? Want to partner with another member on a Global Spin episode? Please contact Membership Coordinator Erin Kane ( to coordinate details. 

SCG monitors member attendance at global industry events to help facilitate and/or potentially sponsor networking opportunities. Below are some of the events SCG is tracking for on-site member meetups and – if appropriate – invitations to additional networking opportunities with clients.

If you/r firm colleagues are planning to attend these events – or would like to suggest other events be added to this list – please email Membership Coordinator Erin Kane (  


SCG has partnered withLegal Sales & Service Organization (LSSO), a transformative industry association helping senior sales-/service-focused legal and business professionals thrive in today’s dynamic and competitive landscape, on the following opportunity for network members.

Coaching Advantage© Certification Program | August 21 – 22, 2024 | Virtual
Coaching has emerged as an important discipline within the legal profession. Learning or refining your business development coaching skills to help lawyers reach their full business development potential is an excellent career advancement strategy. This program includes instruction from client sales/service and coaching experts; interactive discussions about methods for meeting day-to-day challenges and leveraging opportunities; a live coaching session shadowing; and a one-on-one debrief. At the program’s conclusion, each participant receives a Master Coaching Certificate. 

  • SCG Members can attend for a preferred rate of $1,899 (20% off). To be notified when registration opens, please email Director, Business Development and Strategic Initiatives Michele Bisceglie ( 

And through Coston Consulting, SCG’s pilot DEI Certification Program partner, SCG members are invited to take advantage of a subscription discount (30% off published price) forElevate Curriculum TM, a custom/proprietary eLearning program designed to help law firm associates and junior partner advance their marketing and revenue generation skills. The Curriculum is divided into two subscription tracks. The Core program at $559.30 for SCG members (30% discount) is designed to help law firm junior associates learn the fundamentals of personal branding, marketing, and networking. The Advanced track at $962.50 for SCG members (30% discount) covers the marketing fundamentals along with business development best practices for profile raising, pitching for new business, client relations, and cross-selling. Both programs have been approved for CLE credit in a number of mandatory CLE states in the US. 

  • To redeem the discount, clickhereand use the case sensitive code SCGL2024 when purchasing either program. If you are interested in 15 seats or more at your firm, please click here to contact Coston for additional group pricing options. 


As you know, it can take numerous interactions to build the rapport and establish the trust that enables client referrals. Once that foundation is laid, referrals become nearly seamless, and members invest in each other’s success naturally. 

As member-to-member client referrals occur, please help SCG track them. Doing so is critical to: 

  • Offer a clear picture of membership value, especially for annual member firm renewals and prospect member firm invitations;  
  • Ensure acknowledgement of/credit to the referring firm; and  
  • Ensure the firm receiving a referral has an opportunity to profile their practice/s.  

To ensure accurate tracking, please CC CEO Alina Gorokhovsky ( on any referral emails. If that’s not possible because of client confidentiality, please send her a separate email sharing details (i.e., the firm you referred the client/matter to and, as able, the related practice or industry). If you have any questions/ suggestions about this request, please contact me directly. 

Alina Gorokhovsky
CEO, SCG Legal


See Member News for the latest firm highlights!
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